
Save The Earth Right Now

ST3RN is a global community of rebels and renegades catalyzing change for a sustainable future by advocating plant-based diets for health, biodiversity, and climate. The debate no longer merely ethical but existential.

Sign up for our newsletter to stay connected and be the first to know about opportunities to make a difference.


Save The Earth Right Now

ST3RN is a global community of rebels and renegades catalyzing change for a sustainable future by advocating plant-based diets for health, biodiversity, and climate. The debate no longer merely ethical but existential.

Sign up for our newsletter to stay connected and be the first to know about opportunities to make a difference.


Save The Earth Right Now

ST3RN is a global coalition of creators and crusaders catalyzing change for a sustainable future by
advocating plant-based diets for health,
biodiversity, and climate.

Sign up for our newsletter to stay connected and be the first to know about opportunities to make a difference.

Create a healthier

Create a healthier






Destruction Diet

Destruction Diet

"If we shift away from eating meat and dairy and move towards a plant based diet then the sun’s energy goes directly in to growing our food. And because that is so much more efficient we could still produce enough to feed us, but do so using just a quarter of the land. This could free up the area the size of the United States, China, EU and Australia—combined. Space that could be given back to nature."
-David Attenborough
"If we shift away from eating meat and dairy and move towards a plant based diet then the sun’s energy goes directly in to growing our food. And because that is so much more efficient we could still produce enough to feed us, but do so using just a quarter of the land. This could free up the area the size of the United States, China, EU and Australia—combined. Space that could be given back to nature."
-David Attenborough



46% of all habitable land on Earth is used for agriculture. Of this, 77% is used exclusively for animal products. In the past century, an area the equivalent to the United States has been deforested for conversion to agriculture.
46% of all habitable land on Earth is used for agriculture. Of this, 77% is used exclusively for animal products. In the past century, an area the equivalent to the United States has been deforested for conversion to agriculture.

Biodiversity Crisis

Biodiversity Crisis

This land loss has put extraordinary pressure on wildlife. We are in the midst of an extinction event with no end in sight. Wild mammals account for only 4% of mammal biomass whereas livestock represent a staggering 62%. Wild birds represent only 29% of bird biomass with poultry accounting for the remaining 71%.

This land loss has put extraordinary pressure on wildlife. We are in the midst of an extinction event with no end in sight. Wild mammals account for only 4% of mammal biomass whereas livestock represent a staggering 62%. Wild birds represent only 29% of bird biomass with poultry accounting for the remaining 71%.

This land loss has put extraordinary pressure on wildlife. We are in the midst of an extinction event with no end in sight. Wild mammals account for only 4% of mammal biomass whereas livestock represent a staggering 62%. Wild birds represent only 29% of bird biomass with poultry accounting for the remaining 71%.

Photo Simone Millward
Photo Simone Millward
Photo Simone Millward
Unsplash: Shravan K Acharya
Unsplash: Shravan K Acharya
Unsplash: Shravan K Acharya

Water Use

Water Use

Fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce. A single hamburger requires 660 gallons of water to produce, an average shower uses 17 gallons. A plant-based diet uses half as much water as the Standard American Diet.

Fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce. A single hamburger requires 660 gallons of water to produce, an average shower uses 17 gallons. A plant-based diet uses half as much water as the Standard American Diet.

Fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce. A single hamburger requires 660 gallons of water to produce, an average shower uses 17 gallons. A plant-based diet uses half as much water as the Standard American Diet.

Zoonotic Diseases

Zoonotic Diseases

73% of antibiotic medications are given to livestock. This overuse greatly increases the risk of resistant diseases spreading. Furthermore, the horrific conditions in which animals are raised exacerbates this likelihood.

73% of antibiotic medications are given to livestock. This overuse greatly increases the risk of resistant diseases spreading. Furthermore, the horrific conditions in which animals are raised exacerbates this likelihood.

73% of antibiotic medications are given to livestock. This overuse greatly increases the risk of resistant diseases spreading. Furthermore, the horrific conditions in which animals are raised exacerbates this likelihood.
wwAerial view of Rosendale Dairy, a CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) in Rosendale, Wisconsin.
wwAerial view of Rosendale Dairy, a CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) in Rosendale, Wisconsin.
wwAerial view of Rosendale Dairy, a CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) in Rosendale, Wisconsin.

Climate Change

Climate Change

Methane is a powerful GHG and animal agriculture, primarily beef, emits as much methane as the entire fossil fuel industry. While this is problematic, it also presents an opportunity to quickly reduce emissions and increase the likelihood we limit warming to 1.5 degree Celsius.

Methane is a powerful GHG and animal agriculture, primarily beef, emits as much methane as the entire fossil fuel industry. While this is problematic, it also presents an opportunity to quickly reduce emissions and increase the likelihood we limit warming to 1.5 degree Celsius.

Methane is a powerful GHG and animal agriculture, primarily beef, emits as much methane as the entire fossil fuel industry. While this is problematic, it also presents an opportunity to quickly reduce emissions and increase the likelihood we limit warming to 1.5 degree Celsius.

The Way Forward

The Way Forward

We stand on the precipice of a cataclysmic future. The perplexity and enormity of the problem puts us in danger of being mesmerized by uncertainty. The choice is ours, either we act now or we cement our legacy as the generation that could have but didn't. This is our obligation, our duty, our responsibility.

The How:
Natural Networks

✦ Local Action ✦ Global Support

The How:
Natural Networks

✦ Local Action ✦ Global Support

Impact DAO

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) enable a group of people with a common objective to coordinate and facilitate actions towards their end goal. Members propose, vote, and fund initiatives, ensuring that decision-making is transparent, democratic, and aligned with the organization's mission to make a meaningful impact. This approach not only democratizes philanthropy and activism but also introduces a new level of accountability and efficiency in how we address global challenges.

Global Grassroots

Local initiatives with global support. Creating communities of action.


Every member gets a voice in the movement.


Built on the blockchain, every action is open to the public.

Affiliate Network

Affiliate Network


Join today and begin promoting companies that are working to make a difference.

Join today and begin promoting companies that are working to make a difference.

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Don't start your affiliate program from scratch. ST3RN has thousands of marketers to help you hit the ground running.

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Go from design to site with Framer, the web builder for creative pros.

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What is a DAO?

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) enable a group of people to manage a treasury via proposals that are submitted and voted upon by members. Because they are built on blockchain technology, DAOs are fully transparent with the dispersion of its funds, an issue that has plagued numerous nonprofits.

Do I need to understand blockchain technology to participate?

Blockchain and web3 are merely the rails for the DAO that allows it to function under the hood. Similar to how you don't have to be a mechanic in order to drive a car.

How do DAOs raise revenue?

DAOs operate like any traditional organization. Funds can be collected through donations, by providing services, or via product sales.

Why the focus on plant-based diets?

Even if we successfully decarbonize the energy and transportation sectors, agriculture alone will deplete the remaining carbon budget to remain below 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming. Furthermore, agriculture composes nearly half of all habitable land on Earth and is the primary driver for deforrestation, the biodiversity crisis, and fresh water scarcity. These negative externalities are caused largely by animal agriculture despite producing only 18% of global calorie supply.

What is an affiliate network?

Affiliate programs are marketing tools where product endorsers are compensated for any sales they drive. Instead of building this pool of endorsers, the affiliate network gives businesses access to a large community of product endorsers aka affiliates.

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© ST3RN. 2024

© ST3RN. 2024